History of Region 29
A (not so) Brief History Of The Region
The first reference to North Wales as an area, not as a region, seems to be from the June 1967 Harleyquin - The national Club's hard copy magazine, where an autumn run to Llanberis was mentioned which was to take place in October.
Much fewer regions existed at this time and at the 1968 club AGM the need for a Northern Rep who would look after all members north of Birmingham was agreed. By February 1977 there were three Regional Reps across the UK - compare that to the 30 Reps today!
By 1979 a ‘Howard Hall’ was active in Wales although it was not clear if this is as a formal Rep. 1979 also saw the South West of England area invite Wales to their meetings, as well as there being a couple of Welsh calendar meets.
The December 1980 'Quin listed interesting Rep posts including a Sidecar Rep, a Northern Rep and a Welsh Rep who was Howard Hall. Howard provided a Welsh report in the same issue. The 1982 Regional Map shows Wales named as Region 4 and the meeting in South Wales.
The late 80s saw more Regions being formed. North Wales was named as Region 6 and listed with a vacant Rep position. In the June/July 1987 issue of the Quin, Pete Price put a note in about a possible North Wales meet. This doesn’t seem to have happened as no meets in North Wales were published in the Quin through 1987 or 1988. In 1989 the regions seem to have shifted again and North Wales was part of Region 7, Wales.
The regional changes in the July 1994 Quin confirmed the creation of Region 29, North Wales. (No Shropshire at this point, that was much later).
In the December 1996 edition of the Quin, the Rep wrote into the Quin with the following Regional Roundup:
North Wales: What's all this, a letter from the North Wales Region? Yes!! At last a few of us have got together to try and get this long lost wasteland of a region up and running. After seeing a good number of Harleys at the various shows, rallies etc this year, you know what it's like, you see a load of bikes all summer but you don't know who rides them!! But they must be fairly local. So if it's you, or you know a non-member who lives in the North Wales area, now is everyone's chance to get together, even if it's just to find out who the hell rides what!! Now who's writing all this waffle? Well my name is Andy Jenkins and I'm the new boy to this Rep's game. I was told 'It's a thankless task but you'll get a dead cool Rep's badge!!' Mmm, I wonder... The assistant Rep is Pete Price. He's an all round good guy, and he's got a Fax machine so he can deal with all the death threats, hate mail and general abuse. By the time you read this we will have a monthly meeting place (Pub). Usual stuff, Sunday afternoons, once a month probably. Also at the moment, we're looking at a 'Hog Roast' weekend, maybe in May - band, disco etc, more info as we get it. Could be a case of 'Hey, throw me another HOG member, this ones burnt!!' That's about it for nowexcept it won't cost you much just to phone to find out about the monthly meetings etc. You're out there somewhere so just give us a shout and, you never know, we might even have a laugh!. That's what it's all about innit?
See you soon Andy Jenkins, Rep. Pete Price, Assistant Rep. December 1996 North Wales Round Up
Andy Jenkins is still in North Wales and active on a national level, although not within the Region.
The Regional map from July 1999 shows that Wales had been split into three Regions; Region 7 - West Wales; Region 28 - South Wales; Region 29 - North Wales. At some point in the future Region 7 took over South Wales to become its current configeration.
Region 29 seems to have become dormant at this time and it was 2003 that Susie Horton picks up the story as she recalled, “Having found nothing was happening, we set about re-establishing the Region. Our first meeting was in autumn 2003 and we met up in the Tavern in Alltami just outside Mold. We advertised on the Club Forum ( Facebook didn’t exist then!), put some posters up and left calling cards on any Harley we saw. At that first meeting there were 7 people attend and non were in the Club - but all joined within a few meetings. We varied in numbers at that time, but the usual few regulars usually turned up! Our first Rally as a region that we went to was Talgarth. Then the Lakes Rally. Our meetings moved around from time to time, the Beaufort Hotel in New Brighton, Mold, the Drovers in Mold, the Bridge End Hotel in Llangollen, and the Swan in Mold, where one is still held.
The Winter Web Party was started in 2004 by Mog, held in North Wales and open to all Club members bcause, I, after many conversations on the Club Forum complaining that although we were all great friends on the Forum, on the rally fields we had no idea who we were talking to because we all had handle names. The 1st was in the Royal Hotel, Llangollen. It was subsequently also been held in Bensons Hotel and Restaurant, and the Hand Hotel, both in Llangollen.
The last party was in 2009 when I met my hubby, Paul! Also that year, Mog stood down from being Rep and although we had other candidates, it was almost unanimous that folks wanted me to be Rep which was very humbling! So, I contacted the Club Committee and they put it to the vote as I would be the 1st Rep without a Harley! They approved it and so I then became the Region 29’s Rep and very proud I was too! At this time we have members from North Wales but also from Deeside and as as far away as Wallasey. Our meetings were held in Bears Harley shop on Deeside Industrial Estate at that time, as well as the Three Pigeons Inn, Nr Ruthin.
Mog resumed the Rep role in 2010 as I had poor health and had moved to The Wirral and felt it was time for someone else to take the reigns! By this time we had members from Shropshire, Ruth Howells (now Lloyd) being very active and enthusiastic since 2006. I recall that at that time we had no committee and no funds!
Can I just say being in the Club and reviving Region 29 in 2003 after it had has been wound down is one of my proudest achievements and seeing what it’s become and being at the International in 2022 makes me very emotional!!
Susie Horton
Without a Facebook platform, the Forum was the main route of communication for members. Ride-outs, rallies etc were posted there as well as general chats between members throughout 2006 and from there on. It wasn’t until Oct 2014 that our current Facebook came into being and became the favoured route for communication between members.
The year 2009 saw a post on the Forum opening a debate why Shropshire should join North Wales. There were Harley riders who lived in Shropshire but had no region, so Ruth asked if Shropshire could join R29 as a joint geograpical area. After some discussions of a ‘sub-section’ and plenty of cross border banter, (you won’t be surprised at that, it still goes on today!), it was fully agreed to ask the Club to allow the Region 29 to include both geographical areas, which it did. The first meeting of the joint North Wales and Shropshire Region was held at The Wingfield Arms on Thursday 2nd April 2009, with Ruth picking up the responsibilities of repersenting the Shropshire end.
In 2011 Mog had been the Region Rep for 7 years and decided to call it a day, as life moved on. Looking back at the posts on the Forum and at photographs, he was a very active Rep, even though the Region was still very small at that point. He was attending Meets, running the Region AGM, organising camping weekends, attending at rallies, and holding a Region treasure hunt on bikes starting at The Ponderosa and ending in The Grouse Inn, Carrog. It’s fair to say he laid the foundations of the Region’s ethos – riding, meeting up and having fun together, even though the debate continued about access to meets, how to encourage attendance to ride-outs and social events and keeping everyone involved and included – no change there then!
Ruth Howells (Lloyd) was appointed as the Region Rep following Mog stepping down at the 2009 Club AGM, with Al Lloyd as Asst. Rep. There was no regional committee at that point, the Region was not really large enough to need one, but there was a need to have more members’ help to promote the Club locally.
Al Lloyd took over as Region Rep by 2013, and still is today, as the work commitment for Ruth was becoming too great with the establishment of her own tattoo studio and she was ready to hand over the baton.
Christmas parties, held in January and were hosted in Al’s house back then, with Marcus De Max providing the catering – ‘Mexican’ in 2013 and ‘Indian’ in 2014. Al, as Region Rep continues to take the lead role in organising the Christmas Party, now taking place in much larger premises.
To help share the load and provide access to local members, a North Wales Asst Rep. had been created and later on a Shropshire Asst. Rep and a Secretary position. North Wales Asst. Reps included Andrew Tucker, Richard Moulton and Greg Hoey; and now Colin Turnbull. All of these Asst. Reps. brought something new to the Region, establishing and running the North Wales Meets, organising ride-outs, rally attendance and some pretty epic parties by the sound of it. Adam Hill became the first secretary in 2014 and his documents filed on our Facebook page are testament to his diligence and attention to detail. Neal Benting became the first Shropshire Asst. Rep. - a post he held since its inception in 2014 until 2022 - with his remit being to ‘go find and tell them about us’, to make sure Shrophire had as a good a balance of members as North Wales. There wasn’t a Harley in Shropshire he didn’t chase down; and with Al to cover the rest of the Region, its fair to say The Boys Did Good!
We also establised our own ‘rally’ – more of a camping weekend really – around this time, called The Tiddly, because it’s held in a tiny pub, also called The Tiddley! With a Region as large as ours, you may wonder why we don’t hold an annual full scale rally, like many other Regions do; we wonder that too sometimes! But for now we are happy to have held two Internationals recently; to attend other Regions’ Rallies and to have informal camping weekends.
Speaking to Neal, he recalled some words he’d written himself after reflecting about his time with the Region.
“At a local bike meet (Montford Bridge Cafe) I was introduced to Al and Ruth by Peter Price , I asked about the Club and discovered there were local meet ups; met more Club members (but there wasn’t many back then compared to now). The Club ticked all the boxes for me, it was local (I wasn't really aware at first of the national and international side of the club).
Some of those original members I met have moved on, either changed their bike brand or found something else that worked for them in other clubs or just chose to ride alone. What is important is that whatever path they have taken they are still great friends and I can recall the great laughs we had. As Club member I was enjoying being part of what I call a grass roots Harley scene - no bells and whistles, just does exactly what it says on the tin.
One Christmas party back when R29 was at a size we could have it in Al’s kitchen, I was asked to consider the position of Assistant Rep for Shropshire. First concerns were what could I possibly bring to the table but went for it anyway, I was very new to the position and wanted to learn more about the history of the Club, so I asked a lot of questions to members who had been in a lot longer than this new-broom-in-the-cupboard Assistant Rep. Al suggested I attended Officers’ Meetings and the national AGMs, as he did with the other R29 Asst. Reps. Going to these events opened up a whole element to the Club I hadn't seen; we all bump into each at rallies and see what we do on FB but this was a look into the internal works of the engine that drives the great big machine that is The H-DRCGB.
Being part of this great club has given me an opportunity to meet some fantastic people over the years. Me and Gill have travelled the length and breadth of this country and overseas partying with some amazing people. R29 has changed over the years - mainly it's membership size, having a big Region has given us the opportunity to put on the International Rally in 2018 and much more. People come and go in a club like this and people will have different opinions on what's good or not so good for the club… I will finish by saying I have great respect for everyone in this club and I am lot better for being In it.”
Neal Benting
The next new position came about, when the Asst. Rep. for Mid Wales was established with Bob Everitt taking that position. A Regional Meet was held near Welshpool for some time, but this has faded out – should the demand arise, it can easily be restarted, we are sure. For some time there was a Welsh Coast Asst. Rep., which Andrew Tucker held, then following an large increase in the North Welsh contingent by 2018 it was agreed to re launch this as a NorthWest Wales Coast Asst. Rep., which is Andrew Sutherland. In 2019, the postion of Treasurer was established because as we grew in size and held more events, particularly the International Rally, our income and expenditure was becoming more complex.
The members continued to grow, but with others leaving for various reasons – some felt the Region had grown too large and had lost the intimacy of everyone knowing each other, whilst others joined other bike clubs. Its difficult to please everyone, but with the spread of Asst Reps, the Rep and the Secretary post, we aim to keep everyone informed and included. The current configaration reflects the growth of members in Angelsey and no doubt things will change again should they be needed. The key is to listen to the members in our area and aim to meet what they want.
Current configeration:
Region Rep; Shropshire Asst Rep, North Wales East Asst Rep, North Wales West Asst Rep, North Wales Coast Asst Rep; Treasurer, Secretary.
Other key milestones the Region has achieved:
2005-08:The Club International was held on Oswestry Show Ground, organised by Mog
2009: Our own region gear and logo were designed by Ruth and available, having been approved by the national committee
2010: the Idea of our own website was discussed (it has taken various forms since then – check out the latest at www.region29.org)
2014: Our region Facebook was set up.
2014:Regional Newsletter commenced
2018 Hosted the Club International Rally
2022 Hosted the Club International Rally, as others were still finding their feet post-Covid
2014-present: Membership Increases
2014; 36 members,
2015; 52 members,
2016; 126 full members plus associates
2019; 200 members including associates
2020 -2023; 200+ members including associates
What we’ve learnt as we’ve looked back at the Region over several years of posts and documents; and by talking to people, is that it does change; the members come and go, but that it has always been vibrant, forward looking and hugely involved and supportive of the international federation events; and the national Club’s and the other regions’ rallies. We had some crazy times, great rallies, stunning ride-outs, parties and generally a good craic – long may it continue!